Friday, August 27, 2010

When you own a tiny little business like mine, it's always part of the dream when someone comes knocking at your door. So when Gina Hagen from The Well Dressed Home contacted me to take a peek at my jewelry, I jumped at the chance. I had heard many good things about Gina (pronounced Jenna) and her lovely store, but I had yet to make it out to Bothell to meet Gina or see her shop. Well, was I in for a surprise. Lots of eye candy at every turn. Not only is her choice of jewelry impeccable, but honestly I wanted to move into her store. She has the right amount of antiques and found objects that she has complemented with new wares. Such a treat! I feel very proud to have Tippy Stockton Jewelry as part of this beautiful little shop. If you're in the area, stop by and say hello to Gina. She is delightful, she will make you feel welcome, and I'm sure if you twist her arm, she'll show you my jewels!!!

The Well Dressed Home
817 238th St. SE Suite DBothell, WA, 98021(425) 485-4663
Sun: 11am - 5pm Mon - Sat: 10am - 6pm
located in the Country Village Shopping Center

Okay, I just have to say . . . I LOVE THIS CHAIR!!!
Thank you Gina :)

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