Saturday, February 9, 2013

Valentines Day and a little Giveaway

This blogpost is two-fold.  One, it's to introduce you to my friend Tracie's blog where she is hosting a giveaway for a lovely piece of jewelry . . . from moi.

Second, I wanted to wish you all a Happy Sweetheart's Week.  What plans do you have?  For those of you who are married or in a relationship, do you cook a quiet dinner at home with champagne and an amazing dessert?  Or do you go out for dinner?

I personally haven't looked that far ahead yet myself, but apparently someone else in the house has.  We are going to go to dinner at one of our favorite spots in town.  I LOVE that, but I also like to spoil my boys as well with a wonderful little dinner and some sweet treats.  Kellan still lives at home, but from what we've been hearing, that won't be for long.  So I think that I'll surprise them with a little dinner, perhaps on Wednesday.  I'll be scouring my recipe books and PINTEREST to find something special they will both love. 

What special treats will you be making your beloved(s)?  I'd love to know :)

So, here's the link to Tracie's blog.

As I said, she's sponsoring a wonderful little giveaway for a most special necklace . . .

click on the photo to be directed to my website

And just to let you know, there's still time to get a sweet treat delivered in time for Sweethearts Day.  Here's a sample of a few of my favorites:

click on the photo to be directed to my website
and how about these sweet Sparrow Earrings . . .

click on the photo to be directed to my website

wishing you all the sweetest of days.  And don't forget to go check out Tracie's blog.  If you're new to my blog, WELCOME and thanks for stopping by. 

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