Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Farm Chicks or Bust . . .

to coin the phrase from some of my favorite people. The buzz is beginning - do you hear it? Some of my most favorite people are heading East to the most talked and chatted about show of the year . . . Farm Chicks!!! It will be my first time venturing across the pass to what Country Living Magazine has dubbed the show of the season. Can't wait! Don't forget to check out Beth and Lisa with The Salvage Studio, Debi from Ormolulu, Amy and Kris from Today's Country Store, Cindy from Queen of Tarte, and Joe and Jermonne from Barn House.

Okay Judy, are you ready to hit the road??? And our men, John and Jerry, are you ready to haul??? Okay, okay, I know you plan on golfing while we shop, but I am sure we will need your brawn and your packing skills as we load our rigs with lots of goodies from the show.

Farm Chicks, here we come!!!

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