I know it's early . . . but please save the date!!!
I couldn't be more thrilled to announce that I will again make the trek south to Puyallup for the "Fall" Funky Junk Sisters Show. This was such a great event for me when I was a brand new baby vendor at the June show. This time it's going to be even more fun. So I'm getting to you early - mark your calendars now, because before you know it, there will be frost on the pumpkins, and cooler days. I can say, I'm actually looking forward to that . . . this gal finds it a little difficult to function when it's 100 degrees!!! So, I've got some time to take a vacation, pack my son for college, entertain some family, finish my new Studio, decorate my new Studio, plant the Spring bulbs, ship off lot's of orders . . . Okay, you get the picture - just SAVE THE DATE!!! and I'll see you in Puyallup October 23 - 24.
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