Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Studio Update

My new Studio odyssey began on July 4th weekend. I can't believe how quickly my new space is coming together. The Weekend Warriors have been working away and with each passing day, I'm beginning to see what will be my new digs. John has become quite the little construction dude. I really think I need to get him a tool belt.

I will have great height inside - plenty of room for a small loft space for storage.

Chloe is constantly giving me updates on what the "boys" are up to.

I outfitted the new Studio with reclaimed windows from "Restore" in Ballard, WA. It was great to save a few really great old windows and it certainly adds to the charm of the structure.

Jerry was so kind when I kept adding more electrical outlets. I have power tools, and lots of them!!!

We used glass blocks for the windows on the back side of the Studio. This side backs up to a unsightly chain link fence and some over grown shrubbery in the neighbors yard, so now I can benefit from the light, but I don't have to look at the mess.

Two of the larger windows are on swing out hinges - just like Grandma's old house.

I snagged a beautiful "new" French door from Frank's Door in Shoreline. Hey, hot tip!!! If you live in the Seattle area, always, always check out their scratch and dent section. This door was a steal!!!

It's hard to get a great angle on the whole Studio because it's tucked just perfectly at the back of our property.

And I love the fact that it's just steps from the house. No more flashlight at night trying to get back inside during the dead of Winter. I have been known to do my best work at night!

Here's a kind of overhead shot from our roof top perch. As you can see, it's really tucked in. I'm hoping that all the mudding/sanding will be done by the end of the week so we can paint on the weekend, put the floor down, install the overhead lighting and fan and then it's MOVE-IN Day!!! I'm truly excited to get going, get organized, and start diving into Fall and Holiday. Holiday . . . OMG, it's going to be 97 here today. Good grief!!!

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