Monday, July 27, 2009

Blessed . . .

There are many things in life that have blessed me - my husband, son, Mom and Dad, family, good friends . . . the list just goes on and on. I think though that sometimes you have to stop and take in some of the "other" blessings in your life . . . like an amazing sunset. The other night my neighbor Judy and I (another huge blessing in my life and she lives right next door) were driving home from Home Depot (our home away from home). As we drove along the main drag into Edmonds, we looked out over the Sound and couldn't believe how gorgeous the sky looked. I sped home, ran inside and grabbed my camera and raced down to the waterfront to capture one of the most amazing sunsets I have ever seen. The colors were literally bouncing off the water and we arrived just in time to see the ferry pulling into the dock. It was really one of those pinch me moments. I LIVE HERE - this is what I see every time I walk out of my house. God's bounty . . . WOW!!! Have a lovely week friends. I will be back shortly to put up some new pictures of my day at the Vintage Summer Garden Market.

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