Hip, hip Hooray!!! The adventure started in early July and in less than 2 months, I have my new Studio. I am writing this blog post tonight right from 948 1/2 Cedar Street. Yes, my new residence address. I couldn't be more thrilled even though I still have much to do. I haven't even started to go through all of my fabric and floral supplies. But my beading workstation is up and running and the first designs have been made and are now posted under "Autumn 2009" on my website. I was even able to get great photographs too! The extra large window that we put over my beading bench is perfect. It is truly everything I could ever need or want and it's pretty darn cute. As soon as the exterior is done (John is putting the rest of the siding on this weekend), I will get some outdoor shots up on the blog.
Pearl has the perfect spot - right next to my bead bench so she can sport some of the new necklaces that are being designed each day.
All of my bead boxes with all their goodies are in perfect reach.
My collection of books are finally within reach for me to grab when I need them. I have discovered that I (at some point in my life) had a love for all things "Martha". Funny how you forget! For me, there is only one thing that I wish - that my folks could have seen all of this. I'm following my dream because of them - I know that they are watching! I feel truly blessed to have this new home for Tippy Stockton! God is Good!!!
For those of you who live close by, feel free to stop by. The Studio is open most days - I would love to give you a tour. Back to beading - I have three big shows coming up.
French Flea Market - September 12 - 10:00am - 8:00pm Mill Creek Town Center
Bountiful Home - Fall Garden Market - September 19 - 10:00am - 4:00pm 122 - 4th Ave. S., Edmonds.
Funky Junk Sisters Fall Antique and Flea Market - October 23 - 24, Puyallup, WA (more info to follow on this great show)
Be back again soon - have a good night!
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