Monday, June 28, 2010

Oui, Oui for the Petite Retreat Market

Take a gorgeous Sun Shiny Day, a pastoral piece of land not far from the Bay, toss in a couple of roaming bunnies, a dash of silliness, and a bunch of lovely customers, and you have A Petite Retreat Market. Wow, what a day on Camano Island this past weekend. I spent this amazing day in the company of a group of talented, inspiring, and loving women. I know that we're all doing what we LOVE!!! It's evident at every turn. Thank you Debi and Bob for making us feel so welcome at your little slice of heaven. Liz from Seabold Vintage Market - thank you for being my tent mate for the weekend. You and your family are so sweet. I can't wait to see you again! Wendy, from Gussy Chairs . . . girl, you do beautiful work. I'm in love with the butterfly print on one of your amazing chairs. GORGEOUS! To Linda Olsen, it was such a pleasure to meet you. You are an inspiration to all of us. Your beautiful creations are a sight to see. Much luck to you on those. To Tammy! Your first show . . . I hope it was fun for you. Thank you so much for all of your help and encouragement. I love you! And finally, but not final, cause you know I couldn't do this all without your loving support. Mr. Mackey, what would I do without you! You never complain, you just DO!!! Thank you, thank you.

So, I'm just going to let you browse the photos. Have fun!

Tippy Stockton Jewels and other fabulous things!!!

Retreat Style . . . and oh what STYLE it is!

Seabold Vintage Market - a fresh approach and an updated Americana!!!

Merci, Merci - can't wait to meet again in September! And to steal a quote from Wendy's website . . . “Let what you love be what you do.” And that says it ALL!

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