Friday, June 18, 2010

The SUN is Shining! The SUN is Shining!

The SUN is shining! The SUN is shining!!! So to celebrate the SUN and SUMMER, I'm having a sale on anything orange in my shop this weekend. Take 20% off your favorite orange bauble - that's right, anything that has even the teeniest orange bead. It's 20% off. Just write me a note in "notes to seller" at checkout that says "SUMMER Sunshine", and I will reimburse your discount through a purchase credit immediately. Or if you would like, send me a private message and I will set up a reserved listing for you with the corrected amount that includes your discount. Don't have an ETSY or PayPal account? No worries. I am able to take a personal check or I have CC Processing outside of PayPal. It's really easy, and I think you deserve something to kick off your SUMMER! Hey and just in time - SUMMER STARTS ON MONDAY! wAhOo!!! Here's a little peek at what's on SALE! Just head over to and get your SUMMER on!

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