Sunday, March 7, 2010

Will I jinx myself if I say the "S" word???

It's the first weekend of March - oh glorious sunshine!!! This has been such a weird Winter - it really has been more like Spring. Can this mean that Summer will be coming early? I really don't like to talk much about that because Mother Nature has been known to send us a cold shoulder every now and then. But today, I was outside trimming the rose bushes, turning over the flower beds in preparation for the "good soil", and just enjoying the gorgeous day. So many things are in bloom already including our flowering cherry tree and my beloved Camelia. Even the lilacs are starting to burst open. But my most favorite of all is the bleeding heart. This was my grandmother Julia's favorite flower. And I have to say, it's mine too. I am fortunate to have a few different varieties in my yard; these are from the beautiful lipstick fushia plant.

When we moved to our home 20 years ago, the yard was filled with rhododendrens. I like them, I don't LOVE them, but I have to say when they first bloom, they are gorgeous.

Chloe let me take a few pictures of her as she ran around the yard. The squirrels have been tormenting her - it took everything I had including a few treats to keep her near me so I could snap away. She's a mini Australian Shepard - the blue merle variety with eyes so blue!

I think at this point, she was sick of the cookies and just wanted to high tail it out of there to go chase the bane of her existence.

My Studio. Can I say how absolutely blessed I am to have this little haven!

This lovely day was capped off by a Surprise Birthday Party! This is my good friend and crafting co-hort Cindy at her 29th Birthday Party!!! She'll love me for that. Cindy and I will be heading to St. Louis at the end of April to take part in the Mary Engelbreit Workshop. Wahoo - what a fun trip! Can't wait.

And, these are the "Housewives of Snohomish County". Front row, L to R - Cindy, Teresa, Moi, Tammy - Back row, L to R - Mary and Lisa.
Oh what a glorious day!

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